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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Green Shift vs National Energy Program

Prime Minister Harper, Premier Wall from Saskatchewan and others frequently use fear mongering tactics to discredit the Liberal Green Shift plan by comparing it to the dreaded National Energy Program initiated by Trudeau in 1980. I would challenge Conservative politicians or party members to identify the three objectives behind the NEP and the three goals to achieve those objectives. Then be honest and explain how the Green Shift Plan equates to the NEP.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Majority Means...

During the term of his minority government Harper has been gutsy, yet arrogant, mean, cold, and aloof. He excels at belittling his opponents and marginalizing the poor and homeless. He scoffs at global warming. His list of broken promises continued to grow right up to the dissolution of parliament.

Imagine what he could do if he had a majority government.

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Carbon Tax In My Pocket

BC's carbon tax increased my take home pay by $38.00 per month effective July 1. According to Dion's plan, my take home pay will increase my take home pay by about $74.00 per month. Add $38.00 to $74.00 and you get $112.00. What is it that people don't undertand about carbon tax?

Mr. Harper Is No Mr. Rogers

Well, we have another federal election. Three in four years, no less. This time round the Conservative Party is trying to portray Mr. Harper as having a warm and fuzzy side by dressing him in casual sweaters. Make no mistake, Mr. Harper is no Mr. Rogers. And, he's not welcome in my neighbourhood.

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