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Friday, November 10, 2006

CARP Survey On Income Trusts Continues

The CARP survey continues to show that increasing numbers of pensioners over the age of 50 are realizing they got fleeced by Finance Minister Flaherty and Prime Minister Harper.

As of November 10th, the total number of respondents increased to 2,195 compared to 638 on November 8.

Only 4.0% of the pensioners feel they are better off as opposed to 9.7% on the 8th. 59.0% feel they are worse off compared to 45.1% two days ago. Only 37.0% say the decision to tax income trusts did not affect their finances, down about 8% from November 8. Two days ago, 52.7% concluded the government made the right decision. Today only 39.1% feel the same way.

Given that Mr. Flaherty seems unwilling to reach the logical conclusion to grandfather income trusts, it will be interesting to see what impact this mess will have on the Conservative's hopes for a majority government in the next soon-to-be federal election. Between the Conservative fall from grace in Québec and their tie in the polls with the leaderless Liberals, my bet is they’ll be lucky to maintain their minority status. But, then again, I was wrong when I bet the government wouldn't tax existing income trusts.

What I do know for absolute certainty is that unless the Conservatives come to their senses and simply grandfather income trusts, there are two votes in Vernon, B.C. they will not get.

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