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Friday, December 29, 2006

Prime Minister Harper's Mentor

As our Conservative government pushes forward with its agenda, by and large following its campaign platform, it becomes more clear as time passes: Prime Minister Harper is definitely following George W. Bush's footsteps. How so?

For starters:

1. Bush instigated the fad of wearing a US flag lapel pin. Harper wears a Canadian flag lapel pin.

2. Bush's environment policy regarding green house gas is based on "intensity" of emissions, rather than actual emissions. Harper's environment policy is based on "intensity" of emissions rather than actual emissions - a template of US policy - not exactly "made in Canada".

3. Republican congressmen and senators had, until recently, followed Bush and did his bidding. The Conservative caucus (with the exception of two or three MP's who have the courage to represent their constituents) follow the Prime Minister like a bunch of penguins on the march.

4. Elements of the American religious right have virtual unrestricted access to Bush. Accordingly, Canadian evangelical leader Dr. Charles McVety (President of the Canadian Family Action Coalition) is reported to have similar access to the Prime Minister.

Where they differ is in their views on the war on terrorism. The US is in Iraq for the wrong reason and should be more focused on Afghanistan. Canada is not in Iraq for the right reason, but it is in Afghanistan where it should be.

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